Learn To Draw Live Today
Well today is the 13 October and Learn To Draw.org is live. To read more on this article click here.
This is the main content of the newsflash for Learn To Draw live today! This site is going to be the standard for easy to learn drawing lessons utilizing the amazing talents of veteran artists Graeme Biddle and Greg Gillespie.
If you have never been able to draw and would love to learn how, then this site has been designed especially for you. If you have ever wondered just what it takes to learn to draw then you have to wonder no longer.
Soon we will have an extensive Learn To Draw course for everyone from 8 to 80 and beyond. The ability to learn to draw is not something that artists have exclusive rights to. Anyone with the desire to learn can achieve absolutely amazing things once they have been given the secrets that the naturally gifted drawers have been keeping to themselves for years.
It is early days so stay tuned and sign up for our newsletter to be kept informed about when the first lesson will be launched.